
What is the Best Order to Read the Bible?

best order to read the Bible

Most people interested in the scriptures wonder what is the best order to read the Bible, but the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. The order in which you read the Bible largely depends on different factors like your experience and your reason for reading. Below you’ll find different suggestions depending on how you relate to these factors.

The Best Order to Read The Bible for Beginners

If it’s your first time reading the Bible (whether you’re a Christian or not), or if you still consider yourself a beginner, it’s best to start from the beginning and work your way through it in the order it was laid out (Genesis – Revelation). I suggest this order mainly because it’s easier to keep track of your reading since you’re just following the Bible’s default layout. Since you’re starting from scratch, you should focus on getting a general idea of what’s in the Bible. Later, armed with the basic knowledge of the scriptures, you can do more focused readings and studies.

What books in the Bible should you read first if you are a new believer?

If you’re a new believer, you could read the Bible in it’s default order (Genesis to Revelation, as described above), but if you already know a bit about the Bible, or you want to start with what I consider is the best order to read the Bible for new believers, you should start with the Gospel of John.

John’s gospel is perfect for new Christians and will be helpful in understanding the ministry of Jesus, His identity as the Son of God, and the reality of eternal life we have in Him. Starting with John, here’s my list of the 10 books of the Bible a new believer should read first:

  1. John
  2. Romans
  3. Genesis
  4. Exodus
  5. Leviticus
  6. Numbers
  7. Deuteronomy
  8. Galatians
  9. 1 Corinthians
  10. Phillipians

I suggest this plan because it prioritizes the understanding of the gospel, the reality of believers, and some doctrines as well. Having the books of Moses in the middle contextualizes the Law so that we can understand what we just read in Romans, and what Galatians is also talking about. In my opinion, these books give a good general idea of the Christian faith, including what salvation is and how we get saved. After these 10 books, you could read the rest of the Old Testament, the other gospels, and the rest of the New Testament in their default order.

Should you read the Bible in Chronological order?

You don’t have to read the Bible in chronological order, especially if you are a beginner. The chronological plan is best for someone who has already read through the entire Bible a few times and wants to go further in understanding the contexts of the books. If you do decide to read the Bible chronologically, numerous online resources are available to help you read in the right order. The Blue Letter Bible 1-Year Chronological Plan is a great place to start.


The best order to read the Bible depends on your experience level and your goal for reading. What works for you right now may not work for someone else, and it may not work for you in a few years either. The key is to pick a plan that matches your experience level and goals and gradually work your way through it. The above plans are suggestions, of course.

Regardless of the order you choose to read the Bible in, be sure to come to it with an open heart and a willingness to learn from the Word and Spirit of God.

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JP Mensah blogging


Written by Jeremiah P. Mensah

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