JP Mensah

early life

Hi there, nice to meet you! I’m Jeremiah!

I was born on October 31, 1996, in Accra, Ghana, in West Africa.  Growing up in a single-parent household with just my dad and sister gave me a unique perspective on life from an early age.  I grew up believing that I had to have my life figured out and be in control of any circumstance that life threw my way. 

This mindset made me very self-dependent, unable, and unwilling to trust anyone else.  Then one day, I met Jesus, and everything changed.


Jeremiah P. Mensah

I didn’t have a particularly religious upbringing, but I was raised with what you’d call “Christian morals.” Basically, I knew how to be a “good” person. I learned that it was good to go to church and pray to God. If I didn’t do anything crazy, I would remain in His good graces. 

At the age of 15, I began my high school education, which in Ghana meant that I would attend a boarding school and be away from home for nine months each year. It was during my first year in this school (which happened to be a Catholic school) that I met Jesus.


My life turned completely after I met Jesus, but something was still wrong. After the initial zeal and excitement wore off, I realized that I was still living in bondage. There were habits I was struggling to break, and I didn’t understand why. I would ask myself, “How can I be a Christian and still be struggling in this way?” After I graduated from high school, things just got worse until, one day, I discovered GRACE, the forbidden gospel. The message that is hated by the religious. The grace and peace that Jesus died and resurrected to make available to us.  I finally understood the gospel, and I was set free from bondage, guilt, condemnation, and addiction.


Jeremiah P. Mensah reading

After high school, I moved to the States and attended the University of North Texas (UNT), where I got my bachelor’s degree in Biology. The original plan was to go to medical school and become a neurosurgeon, but as it turns out, God had other plans for me. I knew He was calling me to take this gospel of grace and peace to others as well. I knew it would transform their lives like it had changed mine, but I hesitated. Honestly, I didn’t want to give up my dreams. So instead of going to medical school, I worked for a year in an emergency room to buy some time, but eventually, I decided to answer the call, and my ministry began!


Jeremiah and Oge Mensah

I have been blessed with a fantastic wife, Oge, who I met at UNT (something good came out of my medical pursuits, after all!) We’ve been married since July 31, 2021, and we’ve been blessed with a wonderful son, Judah.  

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